VIRAYOGA: Virayoga is where I go to when I need to escape the jungle and come back to my roots and feel grounded. My deep admiration for @elenabrower started on glorious sunny sunday in October 2011 in Paris, where she was leading the WHITE YOGA SESSION under the Eiffel Tower. Needless to say, it was magical... Since then, I've been taking her classes as often as I can when in NYC. Elena's classes are always entertaining as she likes to introduce creative people from her network of conscious entrepreneurs and friends. Elena also has a unique way to connect emotions, bodies, energies throughout her classes which always makes me feel that I am exactly where I need to be, right here and then... STRALA: Strala Yoga reflects the energy behind @taratiles, @miketaylor and the rest of the team of energetic, fun, openhearted people that make this studio a welcoming, warm and fun place to come, practice yoga and mingle. Don't expect strict rules, tough adjustments ~ at Strala, it's all about moving with ease, finding what feels good to your body and creating your own rules. This is priceless nowadays, where the media, the food & health industry tend to make us forget that the connection to our body and our intuition are the best tools we have to make the best decision for ourselves and nobody else. BIKRAM YOGA SOHO: My trip to India made me realize how yoga is a state of mind, a way to live one's life and Bikram might not necessarily reflect that for me anymore. Nonetheless, Bikram Yoga was the first type of yoga I started practicing in NYC and I cherish it for opening my reality to the world of yoga, for allowing me to see the depth of my mental and physical strength, for providing the best stretch and sweat room ever and for reminding me to appreciate the little things because nothing feels as good as a breath of fresh air after a Bikram class, especially when given by 2 of my favorite teachers: Susan and Monique, who recently opened up this beautiful Bikram Studio, on Broadway, right below Canal Street. Definitely worth taking one hour and a half of your time, especially on a cold winter day! GOLDEN BRIDGE YOGA: I have a bit of a Love/Hate relationship with Kundalini Yoga. My right brain is yearning for more of the energetic and chakra work that gets done in that room while my left brain is resisting it. A few times, I found myself in front of Golden Bridge NYC after my legs literally walked me there without me having a word to say... I absolutely love @miahaber's classes and her sweet loving energy and I could spend hours in the shop downstairs where they sell the most mesmerizing little gems! I also love the fact that they serve tea and encourage students and teachers to mingle after class. Kundalini is not for everybody but Golden Bridge is definitely worth the trip!
CRUDESSENCE: Amazing raw food, 2 simple yet beautiful spaces, amazing cooking classes, definitely one of my favorite place in Montreal for Chaga Latte, Raw dessert combo or miso soup! Living food by excellence! FUCSHIA EPICERIE FLEUR: Cutest salon de tea in town, most delicious lavender latte, boudoir decor at its best, great hostess gift ideas! AUX VIVRES: Most colorful plates, tastiest salads on earth, fun old school dinner look and feel, fully raw & vegan CAFFE MILLE GUSTI: Typical Italian Coffee shop, neighborhood hang out in Rosemont-Petite-Patrie, nothing raw or vegan here but great coffee and tea served with a big smile! OLIVE & GOURMANDO: Another non-vegan or raw place but not to miss in Montreal for breakfast or lunch! Amazing pastries, decor, sandwiches and... long waiting line! Get there early... Pictures: courtesy of CAMELLIA SINENSIS: Amazing selection of teas and herbal teas, cozy atmosphere to go read a good book on a cold winter day, most delicious cheesecake of my life (though not vegan, worth trying!) |
PerrineYogini at Heart. Archives
September 2018